As you know, optimizing your website for search engines helps attract more visitors without paying for advertising. If you have an online store, some features are automatically taken care of by your website builder (like WordPress). Examples include robots.txt and sitemap.xml files, ALT tags for product images, clean URLs and social network sharing options. Others, however, are not included. Like options that let you customize your product sheets to boost their performance in search engines. Here are five ideas you can implement with your team:
- Customize meta descriptions
The meta-description is the description that summarizes the content of your product page. The more personalized it is, the better. Let’s take the example of a product listing for a frame. You could speak directly to visitors of your online store looking for the simplest options without breaking the bank by specifying that the frame is all-purpose and suitable for all types of activity.
- Create links between product sheets
A product page is better referenced when several links are pointing to it. This technique is called “internal linking”. In concrete terms, the product sheet should link to other pages in your online store, and vice versa. To achieve this, you can integrate a “cross-selling” extension. In this way, a product sheet can propose other products, similar or complementary to the one the visitor is interested in.
- Giving advice
Google increasingly values online stores that answer questions from web users. Adding an “Advice” or “FAQ” section to each product page is a winning strategy. It provides visitors with reassuring information that encourages them to buy. Tips also help to position the product sheet on the questions most frequently asked of Google. These tips can be in the form of text, video, audio, etc.
- Optimize the presentation of customer reviews
Make sure that the comments of those who have already used your products are visible and easy to consult on each page. They increase the likelihood of purchase, as they provide reassurance about quality and usability. They also contain keywords that will help with SEO.
- Use ChatGPT to suggest relevant keywords
Finally, ChatGPT, while not perfect, can also help you improve the SEO of your product listings. It can suggest relevant keywords using data analysis and natural language processing techniques. To do this – and more importantly, to experiment – you need to go to Ask ChatGPT to create a product description that will be published as a listing on your online store. Then add all the information you have about your product. Whether it’s about the profile of the person for whom the product is intended or its characteristics.
By Kim Auclair (EnVue: voir plus loin)
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