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Neurolens Impact on Reading Speed Over Time

Neurolense’s report indicates that reading speed improves significantly within 30 minutes of wearing Neurolenses, with even greater gains observed at 7 days and sustained beyond that period. While control lenses also enhanced reading speed, the improvement with Neurolenses was nearly double across all study intervals from 30 minutes to 35 days.

Reading speed is a key measure of visual coordination and is associated with better performance on computer and near tasks. This improvement has notable economic benefits, as it reduces the time needed to complete tasks and lessens the need for oversight to maintain productivity levels.

The study was a parallel arm trial with two groups: one receiving Neurolens and the other a control lens. Patients were given either Neurolens, based on a detailed prescription and close to the Neurolens Measurement Device output, or a single-vision lens without prismatic correction. Reading speed was measured using the Wilkins Rate of Reading Test (WRRT) at baseline, 30 minutes after receiving the lenses, and again at 7 ± 2 and 35 ± 7 days later. The test involved reading aloud from a chart for one minute, with errors noted and reading speed calculated. The final reading speed was the average of two measurements, with improvements indicating better reading comfort and fewer errors.

Of the 45 young adults in the study, 21 received Control lenses and 23 received Neurolenses. After follow-ups at 30 minutes, 7 days, and 35 days, both groups showed improved reading speed, but Neurolenses led to significantly greater improvements. At 30 minutes, the Control group improved by 5.67 words per minute, while the Neurolens group improved by 10.00 words per minute. After one week, Control lenses improved reading speed by 15.90 words per minute compared to 27.83 words per minute with Neurolenses. This greater improvement with Neurolenses was statistically significant (p=0.0441). The enhancement persisted over one month, with the Control group showing an 18.05 words per minute improvement versus 29.26 words per minute with Neurolenses, also statistically significant (p=0.0292).

You can read the full report here.

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