Dear readers,
Please find below our editorial calendar for the year 2025. We look forward to sharing with you the latest news from the optical industry through our thematic features and exclusive interviews, as well as clinic management tools and tips!
January: 10 Tips to Improve Your Social Media Presence
February: Men’s Eyewear
March: Women’s Eyewear
April: Advancements in Contact Lens Design
May: Sunwear (Frames and Lenses)
June: Dry Eye Special
July: Children Eyewear & Myopia Management
August: How to Successfully Manage Your Patient Database
September: Advancements in Ophthalmic Lens Design
October: Luxury Eyewear
November: Sustainability Special
December: How to Create a Strong Brand Identity for Your Clinic
We look forward to sharing our features with you throughout the year!
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